
What is Black Cat Carnival?

Black Cat Carnival is an application for enjoying anonymous communication.

We prioritize real-time interaction, liveliness, and the concept of "someone coming to your place."

Swipe Operations

  • Many screens allow navigation through left and right swipes
  • For screens with a close operation, in most cases, you can perform a back operation by swiping from the edge of the screen towards the center
  • Only the image viewer can be closed by swiping down on the screen


Users can create rooms. A room is a communication space for its creator.

  • When there is at least one post in a room, it becomes visible in recommendations and searches.
  • You cannot limit visitors to the room. All rooms are public.

Cat displayed at the bottom of the screen

This appears when you or someone visits a room. Its name is Neko-chan.

Room creation limit

You can create up to 3 rooms. This limit is provisional and may change in the future.

Room archiving

When you archive a room, it becomes inaccessible to other users. You can still add, delete, or edit posts while the room is archived.

Room deletion

Rooms can be deleted one day after they are archived (swipe on the room list screen to archive). The deletion operation is performed similarly by swiping on the list screen. Additionally, when you request to delete your account, all your rooms are automatically archived. They will be completely erased when the account is officially deleted after a certain period.

Main room

A room with the ID "main" is treated as the main room. The main room appears in searches and is linked to when using the @username format.

For rooms other than the main room, you need to use the @username/roomid format for linking.

Room search

Rooms can only be searched by exact tag matches. You can also perform AND searches by specifying multiple tags separated by spaces.

Exact match means:
If a room has a tag #abcde
a / ab / abc / abcd will not match

AND search means:
If Room A has tags #aaa and #bbb, and
Room B has tags #aaa and #ccc

Searching for aaa will display both Room A and Room B, but
Searching for aaa bbb will only display Room A

When you start typing a tag, suggestions will appear on the screen. This limitation is due to budget constraints and may change in the future.

Username search

Usernames can only be searched by prefix matching of IDs.

This limitation is due to budget constraints and may change in the future.

Owner posts

Room owners can make owner posts in their rooms.

  • You can post up to 1000 characters. However, if you use many characters that require a large amount of data per character, such as emojis, it may be less than 1000 characters.
  • You can attach up to 20 images, but uploaded images will be adjusted for optimal transfer.
  • Entering a line with only --- will create a separator in the post.
  • URLs are automatically converted to clickable browser links.
  • The feature to embed images from linked URLs is not yet implemented (but is planned for the future).

Replies and reactions

Anyone can send replies or reactions to owner posts, unless restricted.

  • Replies and reactions are anonymous. The poster's name and icon are not displayed, and the ID is hashed into a different string for each recipient owner.
  • Replies can be up to 200 characters. However, if you use many characters that require a large amount of data per character, such as emojis, it may be less than 200 characters.
  • Reactions can be sent in bulk for as many as can be spammed during the grace period.

Note: Anonymity in this system is pseudo-anonymity aimed at promoting interaction and does not guarantee complete anonymity.

Owner responses

  • Owners can respond to replies.
  • Responses can be up to 200 characters.
  • Responses can be viewed by anyone, except for restricted users.

Notations available in owner posts and room descriptions

  • URLs are converted to links that can be opened in a browser.
  • @username becomes a link to the user's main room.
  • @username/roomid becomes a link to the user's specified room.
  • #tag becomes a link to the room's tag search.

About recommendations

Recommendations prioritize rooms that have had recent activity and rooms where boost points are being used, matching your behavior.

Boosts and boost points

Boosts are equivalent to reposts or reshares on other social networks. Boosts can be used on your own room or other people's rooms by operating the boost button in a room.

When a room has boosts applied, it receives the following benefits:

  • Increased chance of appearing in recommendations
  • Increased chance of appearing in rankings

You can earn boost points by performing the following actions:

  • Logging in (100pt / once per day)
  • Replying (20pt / no limit on acquisition, but there are limits on the number of posts)
  • Reacting (5pt / same as above)

You can hold up to 1000 boost points.

Boost points decay under the following conditions:

  • Boost points applied to a room decay by 1pt each time someone visits.
  • During the daily recalculation process, any points exceeding the total boost points granted in the past three days will disappear.

How to use boost points (details)

Boosts can be used on your own room or other people's rooms by operating the boost button in a room. You can adjust the number of points to use by long-pressing or tapping the button.

To create a lively atmosphere and prevent fraudulent boost allocation, the name and ID of the user will be displayed when using boost points.

Adjusting recommendations

You can set a room to not appear in recommendations from the details screen that appears when you tap the room name or room description. This setting is saved on the smartphone you are using, so it is not shared with other devices even if you use the same account.

Hiding users (mute)

You can hide posts from users who have replied from the screen that appears when you tap on the target reply in an owner post. This setting is saved on the smartphone you are using, so it is not shared with other devices even if you use the same account.

This also applies to boost users, and can be set similarly.

Prohibiting user viewing and posting

Room owners can prohibit new viewing and posting for users who reply or use boosts.

Automatic posting prohibition

If you receive too many viewing and posting prohibitions from rooms, you may not be able to comment on other people's rooms.

Account deletion

You can request account deletion from the Profile tab > General.

Your account will become unusable immediately after the request, and all rooms will be archived.

Complete deletion of the account will be carried out 30 days after the request. You can recover your account until it is completely deleted, but recovery is impossible after complete deletion. Please be careful.

Contact Us

For inquiries, please use the 'Contact Us / Report a Bug' option in the Profile tab of the app whenever possible. If you are unable to access the app, please contact us through our Contact Form.